Community Science Events

Learning to Speak Lichen: Lichen Walk ‘n’ Talk About Air Quality and Climate

This sold out event was a huge success. Dr. Diane Haughland led a walk and discovery session as participants examined and learned to identify lichens in Hawrelak Park. We also discussed what these lichens were telling us about the climate around them.


To receive notifications about future events such as this, you can request to join our mailing list by sending a note to [email protected].

Thanks to the Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition for sponsoring this webinar.

Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition (ERVCC) Logo

Community Science Events Webinars

August 20 Webinar: Lichens as Biomonitors for Urban Air Quality & Climate

On August 20, 2020 we welcomed guest presenter Christopher Schulze, Sustainability Scholar, working on a project with the City of Edmonton and Royal Alberta Museum on using lichens as biomonitors in Edmonton.  More information on Christopher’s research results will be available in the coming months. For now, please enjoy this YouTube recording of his presentation and Q&A from participants.

Thank you to the Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition for sponsoring this webinar.

Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition (ERVCC) Logo

Community Science Events

Urban Trees & Improving Neighbourhood Air Quality (materials from Dr. Greg King’s July 28 Presentation)

Many thanks to Dr. Greg King (Professor of Environmental Sciences, UofA Augustana) for presenting at the July 28, 2020 webinar, Urban Trees: Improving Neighbourhood Air Quality.

We learned a ton and participants generated some new ideas to further collaborate with one another in their common interests around urban trees and air quality in their neighbourhoods. Tomorrow Foundation is looking forward to supporting these participant initiatives and working more with Dr. Greg King in his research.

In other exciting news, at the citizen scientist meet we were able to announce that enough funds have been raised to complete the Queen Alexandra Citizen Science Pilot Super Site! Well done, all.

If you missed the webinar, not to worry. You can find view or download the presentation below.

Download Urban Trees: Improving Air Quality in Our Neighbourhoods – Dr. Greg King, July 28, 2020

Finally, we wish to acknowledge Canadian Tree Care, the sponsor for this webinar event.

Please browse our website for upcoming webinars and walking events.…

Community Science Events Webinars

Webinar: Urban Trees: Improving Air Quality in Our Neighbourhoods

Watch the presentation from our July 28 webinar with Dr. Greg King, Professor of Environmental Sciences, UofA Augustana.

View or download Dr. King’s presentation slides below.

Download Urban Trees: Improving Air Quality in Our Neighbourhoods – Dr. Greg King, July 28, 2020

Thank you to our generous webinar sponsor

Canadian Tree Care | Classic Family of Companies

Community Science Events Webinars

Webinar: Engaging Communities in Air Quality: Trends, Technology and Citizen Science

Watch the presentation from the July 8 webinar, Engaging Communities in Air Quality: Trends, Technology and Citizen Science.

View or download the presentation below.

Download Engaging Communities in Air Quality: Trends, Technology and Citizen Science (PDF, 12 MB)

Community Science Events

July 11 Walking Tour: Citizen Science: Community, Change and the Environment

Community Science Events

Queen Alexandra Citizen Science Pilot Project

Poor air quality threatens the health of all living things from humans to plants. There are many types of air pollution, and each have a different effect on human health (source)
Here’s the thing. You can make a difference, and together we can make a difference, transforming Edmonton’s air quality for the better.
Are you interested in how air quality measures stack up against traffic counts within the Edmonton neighbourhood context? If so, you could become a CITIZEN SCIENTIST!
Join us for a meeting about this pilot project within the Queen Alexandra community.
Thursday, June 11, 2020 from 6:30-7:30 PM 
At this meeting, we will discuss:

  • what the air quality/traffic monitoring project in Queen Alexandra is all about
  • how regular citizens can become citizen scientists & carry experiments
  • other roles and volunteer opportunities beyond the “citizen scientist”

Additional questions? Email our Executive Director, Julie Kusiek, at [email protected].

RSVP below by June 10 to receive the meeting link.
