
Join the board! Apply by May 20, 2022

Are you interested in joining a local organization that cares about the environment?
The Tomorrow Foundation for a Sustainable Future is looking for new board members.
Experience not required, we are looking for enthusiastic people who are interested in making Edmonton a better place.

Submit a mini bio to [email protected] by May 20, 2022.

Our next Annual General Meeting is Friday May 27, 2022 where the decision will be made. Everyone welcome!

Mini Bio Requirements:

Your name
About yourself
Why you’re interested in joining

Board Member Duties and Opportunities

Tomorrow Foundation for a Sustainable Future (TFSF) should be governed by a diverse group of people that represents different areas and perspectives from within Edmonton.

TFSF board members can play several roles. At minimum, they provide governance. Governing the Foundation means reading emails, slack messages and documents to keep up-to-date on TFSF activities, attending board meetings, and voting on motions (and of course introducing motions if desired). Meeting motions can direct TFSF policy, allocate money, and direct and initiate projects. Meetings are held every 4 – 8 weeks.

The board is made up of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary (these roles may be combined into one) and Members-at-Large.

Optionally, board members can also contribute to TFSF operations. This can mean contributing to existing projects (like the Air Quality Community Science project) or initiating new ones. Given the limitations of TFSF resources, most of our projects would not be possible without volunteers, and some of our most passionate volunteers are our board members.

A board member may also be asked to represent TFSF on certain topics to the media or civic groups. For example, if a board member had expertise in electric vehicles (EVs), and TFSF put out a recommendation on EV adoption within the city, the member might be asked to speak to the media about the issue.

Being on the board of the TFSF should be fulfilling and fun. We are a team of individuals who are concerned about the state of the world and trying to make a positive contribution. TFSF board members make new friends, increase community connections, and get to know Edmonton better.

All Edmontonians are empowered, connected, and engaged in building a vibrant, green, equitable city.

We believe in the power of many voices to bring about transformational change. We engage Edmontonians through projects and actions that provide them with the information, tools, and spaces needed to build connected, equitable communities, increase local environmental understanding, and promote environmental leadership at all levels.

More information: