
Media Release: #Yes2ClimateYEG Campaign Launch


#Yes2ClimateYEG – Edmonton charity launches campaign to support a low carbon future and healthy environment

Release date: October 16, 2020 at 9:00 am

The 50-year old environmental charity, Tomorrow Foundation for a Sustainable Future, is launching the #Yes2ClimateYEG campaign to support a low carbon future and healthy environment. “With the anticipated release of the updated Community Energy Transition Strategy from the City of Edmonton, now is the perfect time to mobilize residents around today’s climate reality,” says Julie Kusiek, Executive Director of the Tomorrow Foundation. 

Edmontonians have a vision for a climate-friendly future. Tomorrow Foundation wants to know what climate action(s) will make a positive impact in your personal, community or professional life. How do you envision a low-carbon Edmonton positively impacting you? For example, investment in zero emissions transportation might mean a high quality active transportation route to school or work for you or your kids, or green building standards might lead to lower energy costs and more certainty for your business. Starting today, Edmontonians are invited to share their stories at  

The purpose of this campaign is to gather and amplify support from a variety of individuals, businesses and community organizations for climate action at a municipal level. “Through the eyes of the individual, we can deepen our understanding of climate change and translate what is often positioned as a burden into that of an opportunity,” says Mike Mellross, Program Director of the Climate Innovation Fund at Alberta EcoTrust, “A personal journey can surface the failures of our systems and provide a northstar to effective, just and equitable solutions. I encourage residents of Edmonton to take part in this campaign and assist in building a climate positive future.” 

Stories will be shared over social media, using the hashtag #Yes2ClimateYEG and presented in a final report to Edmonton City Council on October 26. Edmontonians wishing to keep informed on campaign updates or take additional actions can sign up by emailing [email protected] or going to the campaign website.

You can find out more about Tomorrow Foundation for a Sustainable Future at

Media inquiries can be sent to Julie Kusiek by emailing [email protected] or contacting @tomorrowfdn on Twitter.