Private Urban Forest

Private Tree Bylaw – June 14 2022

The Tomorrow Foundation for a Sustainable Future needs you! 

On June 14 at the Urban Planning Committee Item 6.2 “Tree Preservation on Private Property” will be presented to City Council.

It’s great that the City is acknowledging the importance of trees on private property, but we need direct action to protect this important resource. Residentially-owned trees account for 58% of Edmonton’s urban forest. The City has a goal of planting 2 million trees by 2050, but without a plan to protect the largest existing component of the City’s urban forest, we’re concerned that these plans may fall flat.

Trees provide so many climate benefits: they cool down our houses and neighbourhoods in summer, reduce stormwater runoff, and capture and store carbon. Mature trees are especially in need of protection, as a smaller replacement will take decades to reach the same impact. That is time we simply do not have. Right now mature trees are being lost to development and often no new trees are planted, even though zoning bylaws require it. So far communication and zoning regulations have not adequately protected mature trees, which is why
the Tomorrow Foundation supports Option One: A Private Tree Bylaw.

Let the City know that Edmontonians want direct action when it comes to tree preservation!

We need you to: 

Email or phone your city councillor
Email office of the city clerk ( [email protected])

Post about it on social media! Be sure to tag us at @tomorrowfdn on Twitter!
Sign up to speak to this item the day of to voice your support!