Are you interested in joining a long-standing local organization that cares about the environment?
The Tomorrow Foundation for a Sustainable Future is looking for three new board members.
Experience not required, we are looking for enthusiastic people who are interested in making Edmonton a better place.
Submit a statement of interest to [email protected] by August 1, 2023.
Statement Requirements:
Your name
About yourself
Why are you interested in joining?
What is your environmental passion?
Any special talents you can contribute to the board?
Do you have an idea for a new project?
Board Member Duties and Opportunities
Tomorrow Foundation for a Sustainable Future (TFSF) should be governed by a diverse group of people who represent different areas, perspectives, and lived experiences within Edmonton. Being on the board of TFSF should be fulfilling and fun. We are a team of individuals who are concerned about the state of the world and are trying to make a positive contribution. TFSF board members make new friends, increase community connections, and get to know Edmonton better.
Board members can play several roles. At minimum, they provide governance. Governance duties include reading emails and documents to keep up-to-date on TFSF activities, attending board meetings, and voting on motions (and of course introducing motions if desired). Meeting motions can direct TFSF policy, allocate money, and direct and initiate projects. Meetings are monthly, and are held virtually via Google Meet, however, there are times when we meet in person. We currently meet on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm, but can be flexible if necessary.
Board members are elected for two-year terms. The Board may have between five and nine members. Board positions include a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary (these two roles may be combined into one) and Members-at-Large.
The Board has currently formed three committees: Air Quality, The Private Urban Forest and Publicity Committee. Joining these committees is optional, but this is where the main body of volunteer work is done. Given the limitations of TFSF resources, most of our projects would not be possible without volunteers, and our board members are some of our most passionate volunteers.
A board member may also be asked to represent TFSF on certain topics to the media or civic groups. For example, if a board member has expertise in electric vehicles (EVs), and TFSF puts out a recommendation on EV adoption within the city, the member may be asked to speak to the media about the issue.
All Edmontonians are empowered, connected, and engaged in building a vibrant, green, equitable city.
We believe in the power of many voices to bring about transformational change. We engage Edmontonians through projects and actions that provide them with the information, tools, and spaces needed to build connected, equitable communities, increase local environmental understanding, and promote environmental leadership at all levels.
- Equity is foundational for true environmental transformation.
- Community is a driving force of change. Everyone has something to contribute.
- There is joy and fun in what we do.
- Humility. There is no perfect environmentalist.
- Our work is informed by data and evidence.
- Positive action creates energy. We say “yes” to good ideas.
Powers and Duties of the Board
The Board has the powers of the Foundation, except as stated in the Societies Act. The powers and duties of the Board include:
- Determining the vision, mission, values and strategic directions of the Foundation, in accordance with the Objects of the Foundation;
- Ensuring effective short term and long term planning;
- Evaluating the programs and events of the Foundation;
- Monitoring the operations and the finances of the Foundation;
- Approving the budget(s) of the Foundation;
- Creating and appointing committees and receiving, ratifying and acting upon reports of committees;
- Making only such public statements that are consistent with the official policies of the Foundation;
- Ensuring compliance with the Foundation’s bylaws and recommending changes where appropriate;
- Complying with all legislation and regulations, civic, provincial and federal that apply to the Foundation;
- Approving all contracts for the Foundation;
- Appointing legal counsel as necessary.
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